Wednesday, 12 March 2014


Its about the inevitability of change and the passing of youth. This poem shows strong features of the change and the growing up. Shows how parents have to let go of their children as they grow up 'unripe acorns' shows that maybe even the children aren't ready to grow up and move on. They explain situations and events that the parents and children have been in 'setting free their children' is clearly that they are allowing their children to grow up and move on and cope with their situations by themselves. This poem shows the change in society because this is back when mums were to stay at home and look after their children whilst the dad was off doing work but now in society it is just as equal because the mothers no longer have to stay at home they have the opportunity to go off and work instead of staying in with the children. The change of the marriage 'And the albums, lettered Our Wedding, lying' the memories are placed there at one point they would of been cared for and treasured and now they are just places and forgotten about.

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